
Reunion Beach: Stories Inspired by Dorothea Benton Frank Patti Callahan

REUNION BEACH is a moving and warm tribute to Dorothea Benton Frank - known to her friends and readers as "Dottie". In honor of the legendary author's passing in 2019, several of her famous writer friends have contributed their work to combine for a loving keepsake. Prominent among the stories is Patti Callahan's ...

Once Upon a Wardrobe Patti Callahan

ONCE UPON A WARDROBE has been given the honor of being the first title published by Harper Muse, an exciting new imprint of Harpercollins, one of the world's largest publishing houses. The powerful story features a brilliant scientist who always searches out the facts except: when it comes to her younger brother who...

Beautiful Little Fools Jillian Cantor

BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FOOLS is a delicious retelling of The Great Gatsby. This exciting tale rivals the original in explaining the glittering Jazz Age with all its money, power, desire and even murder.


THIS COPY (shown below) was hand signed by Jillian Cantor on the title...

When Ghosts Come Home Wiley Cash

WHEN GHOSTS COME HOME is a riveting, explosive mystery that will keep you guessing through drug-smuggling, planes chash-landing, and long-simmering fueds. 


THIS COPY (shown below) was hand signed by Wiley Cash on a page bound into the book. It is a new, unread, unopened first edition ...

This Dark Road to Mercy Wiley Cash

THIS DARK ROAD TO MERCY is a mesmerizing account of a father who steals away his two daughters from foster care. It is heartbreaking and captivating as evidence points to the father being involved in a multi-million dollar robbery.


THIS COPY (shown below) was hand signed by Wiley...

The Last Ballad Wiley Cash

THE LAST BALLAD is a touching look at the hard scrabble life of mill workers during the 1920s and 1930s, and their uphill struggle to acquire some semblance of an existence. The book is so beautifully written and well researched that the reader will become swept up in the story. This is the breakout book for Wiley Cash...

Moonglow Michael Chabon

MOONGLOW is Chabon at his best, telling multiple stories that are taken from real life, although most are created from his mind. Readers will be  treated to an intense World War II hero who spends time in jail for attacking his civilian boss, a holocaust survivor, and even a few appearances from Wernher von Braun, the...

A Single Thread Tracy Chevalier

A SINGLE THREAD takes place in 1932, where Violet has become a "surplus woman" after the deaths of both her brother and her fiance in World War I. She saves up enough money to move away from her cold mother, and finds a community in a group of women who sew the kneelers for the grand cathedral in town. However, she...

New Boy Tracy Chevalier

NEW BOY is Tracy Chevalier's retelling of Shakespeare's Othello on an elementary school playground of the 1970s. The Hogarth series and the world class authors chosen for the task, translate the Bard's work into stories all readers will appreciate.


THIS COPY (shown below) was hand...

The Last Runaway Tracy Chevalier

THE LAST RUNAWAY tells of a young Quaker woman who arrives in the American Midwest in the 1850s to find life very different from her home across the Atlantic. She is drawn into helping slaves escape on the Underground Railway and discovers principles count for little, even within a religious community famed for...